Is Apple Juice Bad For Dogs?
You might be tempted to give your dog something to drink that is not water, to give them some variety. But before you give them some of your morning apple juice, STOP! Dogs can indeed eat apples, should they drink apple juice? is apple juice bad for dogs? Here’s the answer.
Can Dogs Drink Apple Juice?
No. Apple juice will give your dog diarrhea due to all of the sugar. The only thing your dog needs to drink is fresh, clean water (unless they are a puppy under the age of 8 weeks, in which case they also need their mother’s nutrient-rich milk, which will set them up for a healthy adulthood.)
Are Apples Good For Dogs?
Yes, happily, they are. Unlike apple juice, dogs can have apples. Apples provide a good source of dietary fiber, and some dogs seem to genuinely enjoy the flavor and texture of a sweet, crisp apple. Plus apples contain Vitamin A and C. Apples can be used in dog-friendly treats, for they also make a refreshing snack on a hot day when they are frozen. Below we have provided a handy list of dog-friendly fruits, in alphabetical order, as recommended by the American Kennel Club.
We have also provided a list of fruits that should NEVER be fed to dogs because they are toxic. But before we get to the list, you may be wondering why dogs would eat fruit full stop. Well, dogs are omnivores, which means that they have evolved to need both animal and plant matter in their diets. So bring on the fruit treats – but like all good things in life, they should only be given in moderation or as an occasional treat.
What Fruits Other Than Apple Can My Dog Eat?
This creamy yellow fruit is a good low-calorie treat for dogs, but only in moderation. Bananas contain potassium, vitamins, fiber, and a substance called biotin. Not only do bananas contain good stuff, but they also do not contain bad stuff, such as cholesterol and sodium (salt.) Just remember that bananas should only be given to your dog as an occasional treat.
These powerful little berries contain loads of antioxidants, which help stop cell damage in dogs (and humans too!) Blueberries contain fiber, which is essential for digestion. They are also great training tools when you need a little tidbit to reward your dog during training sessions.
Related Reading: Can Dogs Have Cooked Mushrooms and Be Healthy?
Cantaloupe, known as rockmelon in some countries, contains lots of water, fiber, and nutrients. This fruit is also high in sugar though, so should only be fed as an occasional treat to dogs.
As well as being loaded with several important vitamins and minerals, cucumbers are full of water, making them a good snack choice for overweight dogs, or dogs who suffer from diabetes.
Like many of the other fruits already listed, mangoes are packed full of goodies to help support your dog’s health, including beta and alpha-carotene. But like bananas, mangoes contain lots of natural sugar and are therefore only good as an occasional treat for your dog. Make sure that you do not feed your dog any mango flesh that has some of the pit (stone) still attached, as well as is an obvious choking hazard, mango pits have small traces of cyanide!
Dogs can eat the juicy flesh of an orange, which has plenty of health benefits including being packed with Vitamin C. Do not feed your dog the peel though, which contains strong-smelling oils that may turn the dog off eating the flesh. Make sure you remove the seeds too.
Small amounts of chopped peach (minus the pit/stone which contains trace amounts of cyanide), fresh or frozen, are fine for dogs. Just skip the canned peaches, because, like apple juice, they contain far too much sugar for a dog’s tummy to digest and can lead to diarrhea.
Pears are an abundant and inexpensive fruit that contain copper, Vitamin C and K, and loads of fiber. Ensure you remove the core and the seeds before giving the pear to your dog. And once again, do not give your dog canned pears because they are far too sweet due to the added syrup.
Not only is pineapple safe to feed to your dog, but they also contain tons of goodies essential for health including bromelain. This enzyme assists with the absorption of protein. Just make sure you chop it up properly first and do not feed the peel to your dog.
The raspberries are fine for dogs in moderation. This fruit is packed with antioxidants. Plus they contain manganese, which assists with blood clotting. The anti-inflammatory properties in raspberries can help older, arthritic dogs. But do be aware that raspberries also contain xylitol, so only give them to your dog in small quantities (less than a cup in each serving.)
Did you know that strawberries are not only fine for dogs to eat, but they also contain an enzyme that makes your dog’s teeth pearly white?!
Watermelon is made up of a whopping 92 percent water, so it is the perfect sweet treat for your dog to enjoy on a hot summer’s day. Just make sure that you remove the rind and pips from the watermelon before feeding it to your dog because these can cause your dog’s intestines to become blocked.
What Fruits CAN’T Dogs Have?
Here is a quick list of fruits that are not suitable for dogs:
- Avocado
- Cherries
- Grapes
- Tomatoes
Each of these fruits is TOXIC to dogs, and should never be fed to them.
A Summary: Why Dogs Can’t Have Apple Juice, But They Can Have Apples (and Some Other Fruit Treats)
Dogs are omnivores that benefit from having plant matter as well as meat in their diets. So certain fruits can have added health benefits as part of your dog’s diet, provided that they are fruits from the approved list of dog-safe fruits.
However, some fruits are toxic to dogs and should be avoided altogether. And fruit juices, including apple juice, are bad for dogs, as is canned fruit, due to the high levels of sugar that can cause your dog to have diarrhea.
Related Reading: Can Dogs Have Sugar Snap Peas?
Family Dog Expert Author
Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.