When Do Weimaraners Stop Teething?
Dogs are extraordinary pets that we must take care of all the time. These animals are part of our family so we must always give them attention and provide them with a good quality of life.
There are many breeds of dogs with very different characteristics, in the case of some, and similar ones, in the case of others. Regardless of the case, most of these animals have certain things in common. One of them is teething.
Before we talk about teething, we have to say something about the Weimaraner. This breed of dog is known in many countries around the world and is desired by hundreds of families because they are considered excellent pets.
In the same way, this is one of the canines that hunters tend to look for more frequently since it presents a high level of physical activity and excellent hunting skills.
In addition, it should be noted that Weimaraners are very affectionate and friendly dogs that need to spend a lot of time with their loved ones, especially their owners.
They can also get along with strangers and other animals but need to receive socialization training from puppies. They tend to suffer from separation anxiety so they should not be left alone for a long time.
All dog owners, regardless of breed, need to know when their pets teething begins, but above all, when it ends. Caring for the teeth of such an animal is essential.
Puppies generally have sensitive and vulnerable teeth, so it is essential to treat them with care. Obviously, an adult Weimaraner’s teeth are more resistant, but that does not mean that they do not need dental care from time to time.
In this case, an adult canine’s dental care is more important than that of a puppy since their teeth must last the rest of their life, and are more likely to suffer from dental diseases.
When Do Weimaraners Stop Teething?
The biggest mistake anyone makes when acquiring a Weimaraner, or any other breed of dog is to leave the teething of their new canine last on their priority list. Teething is one of the most important things, so we must investigate it and its different stages.
Like humans, dogs are born without teeth. Depending on the second or third week of life, the milk teeth (or temporary) will begin to grow depending on the puppy’s organism. As time passes, these teeth will start to fall out, allowing the stronger and more resistant teeth to grow and replace the old ones. This process is known as the puppy’s teething.
This process can be complicated for many families since when your Weimaraner’s teeth begin to grow, objects in your house will be exposed to your canine’s urge to chew. This breed can chew for different reasons:
- Separation anxiety.
- Boredom.
- Teething.
Teething is the most common reason why a dog of this type begins to chew everything it sees. That is natural and even helps new teeth (permanent ones) break through the gums. We have to bear in mind that teething can be uncomfortable for a Weimaraner as their gums are likely to swell and hurt. Chewing helps to relieve the canine.
Is It Necessary to Prevent Our Weimaraner Puppy from Biting or Chewing?
Not really. It is true that it can be annoying on certain occasions for a puppy to bite or chew on everything it finds in its path, damaging valuable objects in the home. However, it is essential to keep in mind that it is something necessary for them.
This behavior is expected in puppies, mainly if they belong to the Weimaraner breed of dog. Generally, these animals like to bite while playing. However, if we talk about teething, the situation changes. When a dog’s teeth are growing, it’s normal for its gums to swell and begin to hurt. Chewing on soft objects or toys will help soothe your canine’s mouth.
Now, there are cases in which dogs, regardless of the breed, adopt a bad habit of biting hard at other canines and even humans. You can train your Weimaraner to avoid this situation by applying positive reinforcement.
Basically, we must teach our dog what not to bite and encourage it to chew what it can. If we prevent our Weimaraner from biting anything, its jaw and teeth may not develop the strength and endurance they need, which would be negative.
Stages of Weimaraner Puppy Teething
The best way to explain when a Weimaraner stops teething is through its stages. Generally, these stages are similar in all breeds of dogs.
Weimaraner Puppy Teething: Stage 1
It occurs within the first 2 to 4 weeks. As we have said, a puppy does not have teeth at birth. After 2 weeks, its baby teeth will start to grow. Generally, the upper fangs are the first to appear, followed by the rest of the upper milk teeth in the front and ends. A few days later, the lower fangs will grow, followed by the rest of the lower teeth.
None of those teeth will grow sharp, so it will not pose a danger to the mother’s nipples when the puppy is suckled.
Weimaraner Puppy Teething: Stage 2
Between weeks 5 and 6, all of your Weimaraner puppy’s teeth should already have grown including the canines and premolars which will allow it to start biting, cutting, and tearing food or objects. Take into account that the total number of milk teeth is 28.
After that, these puppies will begin to be weaned from their mother because their teeth are already sharper and could cause damage to the mother’s nipples. Therefore, it is advisable to accustom them to eating moist and soft foods from that moment on.
Weimaraner Puppy Teething: Stage 3
The next phase will occur between 8 weeks and 3 months. Remember that during the first 7 weeks, the puppy is in a breeder. That’s because people typically buy or adopt their new pet from the eighth week. That allows us, as owners, to simply feed them soft and moist food without having to worry about their diet when all their teeth have not yet grown.
At this stage, the Weimaraner puppy will begin to lose its baby teeth progressively over the following weeks. During this time, it is normal to find pieces of teeth throughout the house, although it is possible that some will be swallowed by your pet.
We can tell that the teething period of our canine has begun when we notice that it will begin to bite and chew everything it finds in order to relieve the pain that it may feel.
Weimaraner Puppy Teething: Stage 4
This stage lasts between 3 and 6 months and is characterized by the little force that our Weimaraner presents when biting. For that reason, we have to strengthen our canine’s jaw by providing easy-to-chew toys. In this way, its bite will become stronger, allowing the rest of the milk teeth to fall out until it reaches 6 months.
Weimaraner Puppy Teething: Stage 5
It is the last stage of teething and usually occurs between 6 and 8 months. We have to bear in mind that this can happen at 7 months in the case of Weimaraners. Your Weimaraner’s permanent teeth should have already appeared after losing all of the baby teeth.
As we have said, there are 28 baby teeth, but once they fall out, they are replaced by 42 permanent teeth. At that point, the teething will be over.
Caring for the Teeth of Our Weimaraner
Once the teething process is over, and our dog has all its permanent teeth, now we must focus on taking care of them. It is important that we brush our Weimaraner’s teeth regularly to prevent any dental problems.
Many people believe that brushing a puppy’s baby teeth is not necessary, and that is true in some ways. However, brushing a puppy’s teeth will help it get used to it from that age so that when it grows up, we won’t have any problem brushing its teeth.
Make sure to buy a toothbrush and toothpaste suitable for these animals since if we use human products, it is likely that it can cause health damage if our dog swallows them.
We have previously discussed the need for Weimaraners to chew. It is vital to buy chewable and edible toys that are made of soft materials to avoid damaging the canine’s teeth.
Similarly, we can buy food or treats to help reduce plaque. That will help us keep our canine’s mouth germ-free.
Family Dog Expert Author
Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.