Weimaraner Crate Training Guide
Most families around the world have a pet regardless of the species and breed. These animals become important in the lives of these people since they are considered companions. On many occasions, people tend to love their pets more than a person.
The dog is one of the most popular animal species as a pet. These animals are known as man’s best friends because of the loyalty and affection they offer.
Many families adopt this type of animal more frequently because they are considered excellent pets and because they are the creatures most similar to human beings in terms of personality and temperament.
We know that there are many dog breeds worldwide, and each one presents different characteristics, be it size, physical appearance, ability, habit, etc. One of the most interesting that we can find in various countries is the Weimaraner.
According to many experts, any type of training is essential for a dog, regardless of its breed. There is agility, tracking, searching, guarding, herding, defense, and crate training. Any of them can be essential depending on your needs as a Weimaraner owner. One of the most useful is crate training.
Weimaraners are very active and energetic canines that need to undergo various types of training. They are known for their hunting skills and a high level of physical activity. These canines tend to get bored easily, so they need daily exercise, whether it is running, swimming, playing, etc.
These animals have a sensitive personality and are usually kind and affectionate towards the people around them, especially their owners. They can also get along with strangers and other animals if they receive socialization training from puppies.
It should be noted that this breed of dog tends to suffer from separation anxiety, so it is not advisable to leave it alone for a long time.
Due to the personality of these dogs, we can affirm that they are animals that need to be free most of the time. They love to run outdoors and play with their owners.
For this reason, many Weimaraner owners do not know if buying a crate for their pets is a good idea. Weimaraners need to be always with their loved ones, so anyone would think that a cage is not a good option. However, that is not entirely true.
Weimaraner Crate Training
As we know, this breed of dog cannot be confined for many hours in small spaces. That includes a crate.
We have already clarified that this is because they are animals with a high energy level that need to exercise every day outdoors. In fact, if they are kept in a house or cage for a long time, they are likely to develop destructive behavior. That doesn’t mean they can’t adapt to being in a crate.
However, we have to remember that not all Weimaraner owners have enough time to dedicate to their pets, so crate training is one of the most useful and recommended practices. That is a good way to help them easily adapt to home life, mainly if they are acquired by individuals or families who live in places with little outdoor space, such as an apartment.
Many other owners believe that confining their Weimaraner in a crate can be cruel. If you properly introduce the box to your canine, it will love it as it will be a place where it can rest and relax after its exercise sessions.
Basic Rules That You Should Know When Providing Crate Training to Your Weimaraner
Many people or families could try to train such a dog, but that does not mean they do it well. If we want to properly train our Weimaraner to learn to adapt to a crate, it is necessary to follow 3 basic rules.
You should never use the crate as a method of punishment. Many people who have dogs, regardless of breed, lock their canines in these objects for unwanted behavior reasons. However, owners have to understand that these animals do not do it intentionally as it is in their nature. That is why it is essential to train them.
You must not force your canine, especially if it is a puppy, to enter the crate. This situation could be traumatic for your pet.
You never have to leave your Weimaraner in the crate for a long time. These animals must be free to move around and get plenty of exercise on a daily basis. If they are locked in small places, they will get bored and develop destructive behaviors.
Tips You Must Follow to Train Your Weimaraner
Weimaraner Crate Type
Before starting the training, you have to choose the most suitable crate for your Weimaraner. There are crates made of plastic or metal.
Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages so you will have to choose the one that best suits your needs and those of your Weimaraner.
First of all, a plastic crate is usually easy to maintain and clean. However, it is not adequately ventilated and is generally used only to transport the canine. On the other hand, the metal crate is specially designed for large and energetic dogs since it is made of resistant metal.
They are recommended for Weimaraners due to the resistance and durability they provide, so you will not have to worry about them being damaged.
As we have said before, the most recommended for our Weimaraner is the metal crate. Now is the time to choose a cage suitable for the size of our Weimaraner. We remember that this breed of dog has an average height between 22 in and 27 in and a weight between 50 lb and 70 lb. Therefore, the crate of your Weimaraner should have the following dimensions:
- Length: 48 in
- Width: 30 in
- Height: 33 in
Make sure to buy a medium-large size crate regardless of whether your Weimaraner is a puppy or an adult.
What Shouldn’t You Do When Your Weimaraner Is Inside the Crate?
Before knowing the training that you should carry out, it is important that you know one of the things that you should not do during the process.
We refer to the moment when your canine begins to whine or bark. When your pet makes those sounds, you should not let it out of the crate since that will tell it that you will open the door every time it barks or whines.
During these times, the best thing to do is to wait for your dog to relax and stop making those sounds. At that moment, you can open the door of the crate and let it out. That way, your Weimaraner will understand that it can only get out of there when it relaxes.
Weimaraner Training Process
The most important thing to do to begin this training is to place the crate in an area of the house suitable for your Weimaraner. Generally, this space has to be where family members spend time. Also, make sure that the place you choose has perfect temperatures for your Weimaraner.
Place your Weimaraner’s favorite blanket inside the crate so that it feels more comfortable. What you should do next is keep the door of the cage open, place treats inside, and speak with a cheerful and safe tone of voice to your dog to encourage it to enter.
You never have to use aggression to force your canine to do it. If the treats don’t help convince your Weimaraner, try putting its favorite toys inside the crate. This process can take several days.
Once your dog is used to entering the crate, you can start giving it its favorite foods. That is very important since, as we know, any type of dog loves to eat.
Therefore, if your Weimaraner eats inside the crate, it will associate it with a pleasant moment and always want to return there. It is not advisable to place its food bowl too far back as your dog may still feel insecure. Place it near the crate door, and as time passes, you can put it further inside.
When you notice that your dog can eat inside the crate without any problem, close the door. At this point, you should close the door of the cage every time your Weimaraner enters to eat. When it is finished, open the door so that your pet can leave.
That way, it will feel confident that it can come out at any time. As the days go by, you can leave your canine in the crate with the door closed for longer.
You must practice this with your dog every day so that it feels more and more confident, and therefore, the fears and nerves that it felt previously can disappear. When your Weimaraner can already be in the crate for more than 30 min, start leaving it there while you are not at home.
Gradually, it will get used to your absence even a little longer. Remember that you cannot leave it alone and be less confined in a crate for long periods as it can feel sad and anxious.
Family Dog Expert Author
Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.