Blue French Bulldogs | Everything You Need To Know
If you’re looking for the perfect dog to bring some love and laughter into your apartment, you can’t go past the Blue French Bulldog.
With their distinctive blue fur and loving eyes, these dogs are sure to earn their place in your heart.
But there are a few things that you should know before getting a Blue French Bulldog. This will let you make sure that it’s the right kind of dog for you and your family.
It will also allow you to prepare your house or apartment to make sure that they’ll have everything they need to live a long, healthy life.
Physical Features
Let’s start by looking at some of the physical features of the Blue French Bulldog. There are several elements that help set this type of dog apart.
First, this dog is known for its small size. When fully grown, this species will be between 11 to 13 inches (27 to 33cm) tall.
You should also try to maintain a healthy weight range of under 28 pounds.
Though, with their gorgeous face and bubbly personality, it can be difficult to avoid giving them treats.
However, the most visually striking part of the Blue French Bulldog is its fur. This breed is known for its blue colouring. Depending on the dog, there might be some white markings on their chest.
This distinctive colouring sets them apart from other Bulldogs. Interestingly, because of this blue coat, some breeders will refuse to recognize them as a species.
As a result, they might not be allowed to compete in dog shows.
Like many other Bulldogs, they will have some folds of skin, especially around the face and neck. This makes them delightful to pat and adds to their adorable charm.
One of the biggest reasons why people have fallen in love with the Blue French Bulldog is because of their adorable personality.
This dog is well-known for its love for its owners. As a result, they’ll never want to be without you.
They are the perfect lap dog and will love nothing more than cuddling on the couch and watching your favourite television program.
Another important personality trait is the need for you to show affection to this species. They will often jump up or lick you, to get your attention turned back to them.
They also make sure to show you their affection for you. This can include doing things like licking your face or trying to get as close to you as possible.
Another positive personality trait is that the Blue French Bulldog will rarely bark. Instead, they will try to physically get their attention.
While this might make them horrible guard dogs, it will mean that you won’t get complaints from your neighbours.
Separation Anxiety
This species might be the perfect choice for someone who works from home, as they will want your attention.
If you need to travel into the office or spend long hours away from home, the Blue French Bulldog has been known to get separation anxiety.
This can present in several ways. For example, they might get more destructive or urinate on your property.
But, once you know why this behaviour is occurring, you’ll be able to put some steps in place to stop it from happening.
Children And Other Dogs
This breed is also well-known for its friendly personality. They will quickly warm up to new members of the family.
This extends to other pets like dogs and cats. In fact, if you need to go to work frequently, it might be a good idea to get a second dog, to keep the Blue French Bulldog comfortable while you’re at the office.
This type of dog also warms up quickly to new human companions. This makes them a perfect choice if you are looking for a dog that your children will be able to play with.
However, for younger children, you might want to supervise them when playing.
Because the dog is so small, it might accidentally hurt it by accidentally patting it too roughly or falling onto it.
Exercise Needs
Like many other puppies, the Blue French Bulldog will have a lot of energy. As a result, during their younger months, you’ll need to spend some time playing with them.
Their favourite game will often be fetching. You may want to have an arsenal of fetching toys or chew toys on hand so you’re ready to play at any time.
If you don’t play with them often enough, they will channel that energy into other avenues, like chewing up your collection of shoes.
Thankfully, it won’t take a lot for you to tire out this species. In most cases, you’ll just need to go for a short walk each morning.
A good target is 30 minutes of exercise each day.
As you do this, you’ll often notice that the Blue French Bulldog will walk close to you. In some cases, you might even need to be careful not to accidentally step on them.
While exercise is an important part of caring for a dog, you should be careful about the time of day that you choose to go for a walk.
Because of the shape of their face, they might find it harder to breathe. This is apparent, even when they are relaxing with you.
This puts them at a higher risk of overheating. As a result, you should avoid walking during the heat of the day. It’s also important to make sure that they have plenty of water.
Finally, you should avoid taking them swimming. The shape of their body might act more like an anchor, dragging them down to the bottom.
As a result, trying to swim can be a very difficult activity for them.
Because they don’t get a lot of daily activity, it’s important to make sure that you’re keeping track of your dog’s diet.
If they start to get overfed, they might end up putting on weight. This can be a big problem, contributing to a range of health conditions.
For them to be a healthy weight, they’ll need to be under 28 pounds.
The amount that you’ll need to feed them will depend on their age. In most cases, though, you’ll need to give them between one to five cups of kibble each day.
However, you might want to check with your vet, to make sure that you’re giving them the right amount. You can check out these food posts for French bulldogs:
- Best Food Bowls for French Bulldogs
- The 5 Best Training Treats for French Bulldogs
- Thе Best Dog Foods fоr Frеnсh Bulldogs
It might also be important to check the type of kibble you’re feeding them. Ideally, you want to aim for a high-quality mix.
This will make sure that they’re getting all the nutrients that they will need. It’s also important to avoid giving them too many treats.
Though it will be difficult, you need to avoid their puppy dog eyes, as they will be allergic to several foods.
One of the most important parts of caring for your Blue French Bulldog will be grooming them regularly. Thankfully, this species is fairly easy to take care of.
Even though they don’t shed often, you should still rub their fur with a rubber glove. This will allow you to remove any old hair.
You might also want to use an anti-bacterial wipe around their face and folds every few days.
These areas might trap bacteria. You should also make sure to use the anti-bacterial wipes behind their ears. This will ensure that bacteria don’t get under the skin and make them sick.
You might also want to make sure that you’re taking care of their dental hygiene.
This can mean brushing their teeth or giving them a toy that they can chew on to clean their mouths.
To make grooming a little easier and a little more comfortable for your Frenchie, you may want some doggie specific grooming items.
Getting a dog-specific shampoo is a great start, and there are also dog dryers to make drying after a bath a breeze.
If you’re looking to give your Blue French Bulldog a unique style, you can get some dog clippers as well! Or stick with some recommended dog brushes for French Bulldogs.
All dogs can have some health issues. However, the Blue French Bulldog might have a higher risk of developing some medical conditions.
This is because they have a thin layer of skin. As a result, it will be easier for bacteria to penetrate through the skin and make them sick.
Because of this, you must make sure to keep their skin clean, using anti-bacterial wipes in the folds of their skin.
Their thin skin can also make them more susceptible to cold weather. Even during the summer months, they might catch a cold from the fan blowing on them.
As a result, you’ll need to make sure that you keep them under a blanket during the colder months. You might also be able to use a bulldog coat, to stop you from catching a cold.
It should also be noted that this species might be more likely to get allergies from the food they eat.
So, while they might look adorable, you might think twice before giving them any treats. You’ll need to make sure to stick to a diet plan.
Due to their thin face, it can sometimes be hard for the dog to breathe. As a result, they tend to be very loud breathers. Thankfully, you’ll get used to this after a while.
It’s also possible that this dog might develop a condition called Color Dilution Alopecia, where they will start to lose hair. As you can imagine, this will be highly disturbing for their owners.
The best way to avoid this is by making sure that you choose a dog that comes from a reputable breeder. This is a genetic condition so if both parents are healthy, there shouldn’t be any issues.
Finally, you might want to make sure that you’re taking the dog to the vet frequently. This will ensure that you can spot any issues quickly, allowing you to take action promptly.
It can also be a good idea to get some health insurance, to make sure that you’ll have the funds to cover all the medical expenses.
If you’re planning on purchasing the dog from a breeder, you might be surprised at the high costs involved. It’s not uncommon for you to need to pay between $5,000 to $10,000.
While this can seem like a huge amount to pay, there are a few reasons why they might cost so much.
First, they tend to be very difficult to breed. For example, a responsible breeder will need to take them to get regular X-rays, to make sure that the dog is being taken care of and prevent any problems with the pregnancy.
When it comes time to give birth, they will need to use a C-section, as they can’t give birth naturally.
As a result, this breed tends to be quite rare. Because of this, the breeder can charge a premium price.
If you want to try to avoid paying the higher fees, you might want to try to find a local adoption agency that has Blue French Bulldogs. While this might be a long shot, it’s still worth a try.
Because of their gorgeous faces and love to cuddle with their owners, this species is one of the most sought-after Bulldog breeds.
Interestingly, it has ranked number four on a list of the most popular dogs in the world. But, after spending some time with them, I think it’ll quickly earn the top ranking in your heart.
Unsurprisingly, this cuddly canine is very popular in the world of celebrities. Movie royalty Reese Witherspoon loves spending time with her Blue French Bulldog.
Even singer Madonna has been enchanted by their cute eyes and cuddly faces.
But, the love for the Blue French Bulldog doesn’t stop there. They’ve also started to take over social media, with Manny the Frenchie lapping up the likes.
He has over 1 million people following his Instagram page, giving his owners another reason to cherish their pint-sized companion.
Interestingly, the Blue French Bulldog’s tale doesn’t begin in France. Instead, it starts across the Isle, in England.
During this time, lacemaker was a popular profession with many people employed in the factories. To keep them company at home, they had bulldogs.
So, when the work started to dry up, they moved to France. Like any loving parent, they took their bulldogs with them across the sea.
When they arrived in France, the dogs started breeding with other species like ratters and pugs.
From this, the blue bulldog was born. To celebrate their origin, they got called “Frenchies”. When the species made its way across the ocean, to America, they got given the name the Blue French Bulldog.
Though the French Bulldog Club of America was founded in 1894, the breed has only started to become popular recently, due to their string of well-known owners.
While it might have taken many years, I’m thrilled that this adorable dog is finally getting its time in the sun.
Where To Keep A Blue French Bulldog
If you’re anything like me, you’ve fallen in love with this adorable breed. But, where’s the best place to keep them? For most people, there are two options, an apartment or a house.
Let’s look at some of the things you need to do to keep your dog happy and healthy.
First, they might be thrilled to live in a house. A bigger backyard will give them plenty of space to explore. Even though you might have a large property, don’t expect them to venture too far away from you.
However, the Blue French Bulldog will be best suited to living in an apartment. The smaller space means that they’ll never be far away from you.
It’s also the perfect size to be in an apartment and their quiet nature means that you won’t need to deal with any complaints from the landlord.
Setting Up Your House/Apartment
Regardless of whether you own a house or an apartment, there are a few things that you should do to prepare the area for your Blue French Bulldog. First, make sure that your backyard is secure.
Your dog will want to spend all of its time with you.
However, it still won’t hurt to make sure that there’s no chance that they will get out of the property where their small size can put them at risk.
You might also want to take measures to prevent them from overheating. It can often be a good idea to place a bowl of water on the floor, so they’ll be able to have a drink if they are getting too hot.
You will also need to get used to the signs that they are starting to overheat, making sure that you can take action early.
You might also want to try some training techniques. Taking them to classes from a young age will give you the tools you need to make sure that they’re well-behaved.
Training Course for Blue French Bulldogs
Dog’s brains are like ours, they are soft and malleable. This means they are always capable of moulding and changing to learn new habits and behaviours.
I’m assuming there’s at least one thing you wish your puppy would do differently (ok, let’s be honest, about 10 things!).
And with recent advances in neuroscience, we’re understanding that age really doesn’t matter for making changes in the brain. So in case you do, stop saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”!
And training your Blue French Bulldog isn’t just about getting them to shake a paw or sit when you ask them to. It should be about making them more intelligent. A more intelligent dog will:
- be better behaved
- be more obedient
- learn new skills faster
- have a stronger bond
- have an increase in overall well-being
So if you’re a new pet parent to a puppy, or you’re just wanting to learn some new skills, I recommend embarking on some sort of training. Professional training, however, can be quite expensive and time-consuming.
We really like this training course (opens a new tab). It’s online, it was created and updated by a professional dog trainer and it really helps you understand how to better stimulate and enrich your dog’s life.
The course is designed to help you work and improve on these problems you may be having with your puppy or dog:
- Potty training
- Dealing with aggression
- Jumping
- Digging
- Whining
- Chewing
- Excessive barking
- Impulse control
- Hyperactivity
- Ignoring your commands
- And more
You’ll also get access to a private forum and updated content. Don’t get me wrong, this course isn’t perfect and won’t turn your dog into a show winner.
What it will do is help you better connect with your dog which will improve your overall bond, and help you to understand how you may be able to make changes in your approaches with training and trying to change behaviours.
It’s really not that expensive and a resource I think a lot of dog parents will benefit from.
Dog Insurance for Blue French Bulldogs
Just like humans, dogs make bad decisions and find themselves hurt or injured, and the Blue French Bulldog is no different (no matter how smart they may be!)
And, unfortunately, just like humans, dogs can get sick with disease or illness. Trips to the vet should be included in your cost analysis when deciding on getting a dog.
Of course, it’s always a good idea to practice preventative healthcare. We discussed the risks of obesity, so making sure your dog is eating the right amount and exercising can do wonders for their health and vet bills when compared to sedentary dogs eating low-grade food.
Making sure there isn’t unnecessary wear and tear on your Blue French Bulldog’s joints can help improve their long term wellbeing as well.
If there’s a lot of getting in and out of cars or up and down heights day today it can be a good idea to invest in a dog ramp or dog stairs as well.
Final Thoughts
If you’re anything like me, you’ve started to fall in love with the adorable Blue French Bulldogs. These are the perfect small companion dog. They desire to spend time with you and will love to receive your affection.
They are also quiet and tend not to bark. This makes them the perfect choice to add some excitement to any apartment or house.
So, if you’re looking for a lap dog to keep you company during the day make sure to consider getting a Blue French Bulldog.
Family Dog Expert Author
Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.