How Much Should a Puggle Weigh
So you got yourself a cute button-nosed Puggle pup, and you want to take care of it the best you can. Sometimes, pet parents’ idea of showing love to their pooch is to feed it food it likes as well as give out treats. So many that it would be enough for the whole “dog army” to be full!
Remember: you don’t need to spoil your furry pal with food. If it gets fed too often, you are actually hurting it, not benefiting. Sometimes you may not even realize that: after all, how can you say no to these big, bulging, begging eyes? And honestly, people’s meals are the worst option for your beloved pooch, unless you are introducing fruits and veggies into its diet and nothing else.
These are good for both people and their canine counterparts. But a lot of pet parents make the mistake of feeding dogs the same processed, cooked foods they eat themselves. That’s where the trouble starts.
Did you know that about 80% of the USA dogs are overweight? That’s right, this number is staggering! Well, no wonder, because the American population’s obesity rate is 1 out of every 3 people! Consequently, it’s about 80% for the two-legged creatures as well. And it makes sense: people would eat badly and their dogs would be eating the same stuff. Take this information and use it wisely.
You are probably thinking now: how much should a Puggle weigh? Since you got one, you want to make sure it stays in the healthy pug weight range.
Related Reading: Puggle’s Willful Temperament: Tips On Taming Your Unruly Fur Baby
Weight, Height, and Size Characteristics Of A Puggle
The average weight of a Puggle would be anywhere from 13 to 20 lbs. A lot depends on the dog’s sex: females usually weigh less than males.
But you have to also take into consideration the fact that the Puggle is a mixed breed (Pug and Beagle), therefore its weight is going to depend on which ancestor it takes after. If the Pug DNA is going to be dominant, then the Puggle pug is going to weigh less (the average weight of a Pug is about 13-18 lbs). On the contrary, if Beagle genes are going to prevail, it will put more pounds onto a pooch (since they are a little bigger than Pugs, and can reach the weight of 20 lbs).
So don’t automatically assume that your Puggle pup is overweight just because it is bigger in size than the accepted breed standard. It is always a good option to have a discussion with the veterinary specialist about your Puggle baby’s body mass and professionally evaluate it.
As far as the height is concerned: an average Puggle’s height is anywhere from 10 to 15 inches max. Again, the exact size will depend on the parent genes (Pugs are smaller, Beagles are bigger).
Ideally, A Puggle’s Weight And Height Will Be Somewhere In Between The Standard One For a Pug And a Beagle. Even A Reputable Breeder Won’t Be Able To Tell You How Big Your Puggle Baby Will Get, Time Will Tell.
Fully Grown Puggle
You might be wondering when a Puggle pup stops growing and reaches its maximum size, and that’s understandable. My dog is still a puppy, and I still don’t know how big she will get.
According to some scientific sources, a Puggle is usually fully grown when it reaches 8 months of age, some may grow for up to a year. During the Puggle development process, the bones will grow first and muscle mass usually develops a little slower. That’s the reason for delayed development in those pooches that take up to a year to grow.
One thing you have to keep in mind as a pet parent: since muscles are heavier than fat, your Puggle might show a higher weight. Don’t panic and check with the animal wellness provider if this is the healthy pug weight you see on that vet scale.
When Is A Puggle Considered Overweight?
Just do a simple test to check if that fur baby is indeed overweight: put your arms around its waist. If you can’t really find it but feel fat deposits all over its body, then it has got some extra weight issues. Also, you have to be able to feel its rib cage. If you can’t-then you know something is not right.
However, the ribs shouldn’t be too protruding either (then a dog is considered underweight). Since the average weight of a pug is usually about 15-17 lbs (some breeders stretch it out to 20 lbs), you have to keep this standard in mind. But don’t hesitate to double-check with your pup’s vet to determine if your pooch is in its best shape.
Related Reading: Pugs with Longer Snouts
Healthy Pug Weight Management Tips
How do you keep this furry creature as healthy as possible? Here are some tips to consider.
- Buy High-Quality Food Only: it is really a no-brainer. To be healthy and happy your pooch needs to eat good food, with a rich variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber to meet his daily nutrition needs. A great brand to consider is Hills Science Diet. It might be on the pricey side, but believe me when I say that it will keep you from going to the vet often.
- Exercise and Playtime: another good point that doesn’t need to be discussed in detail. Exercise is good for both two-legged and four-legged creatures. Being constantly physically active is what keeps both a person and a pooch young longer. Sadly, dogs have a much shorter life span compared to humans. So, you would want your furry pal to be around for as long as it can, right?
- Regular vet visits: you have to bring your pal into the vet’s office at least once a year. Unless it has some kind of underlying medical condition. In this case, a visit every 6 months is recommended.
- Mental stimulation: as a pet parent, you can’t only think about your Puggle’s physical health, but a mental one as well. Its brain has to be stimulated by engaging in a “smart play”: a kind of activity that forces your dog to make decisions. Some examples may include games of “hide and seek,” “fetch,” “go find it,” and many others.
To be a responsible pet parent, you have to remember not to overfeed your dog, especially if it’s prone to quick weight gain (Puggle is actually one of the breeds that has a problem with that).
Sure, there are certain “average weight of a Pug” standards set by the AKC but don’t just blindly go by them. Your dog is a unique creature that requires an individualized approach. No two dogs are created equal, even if they are of the same breed.
So, always ask for a bit of professional vet advice and be sure to provide enough physical, as well as mental stimulation for your furry baby to be on its best behavior…and best weight, of course. After all, a “tired dog is a happy…and healthy dog!”
Happy bonding!
Related Reading: English Bulldog Puggle Mix Information: Everything You Need to Know
Family Dog Expert Author
Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.