Can You Give Dogs Celery?
Dogs are omnivores, and although meat is important, so are vegetables – which is why some owners ask if can you give dogs celery. Celery is a very popular food among humans, so why not dogs? In today’s article, we’ll be finding out just how acceptable it is to feed your dog celery, what are some of the more sought-after vegetables, and what are foods you should avoid.
Celery Is Safe
Celery is one of the safer vegetables for dogs. Believe it or not, there are lists of vegetables, most often comprised of vets, for you to judge which ones are safe and which ones aren’t. It’s important not to feed your dog something that they won’t be able to process. For example, bones from cooked animals are a big no-no when it comes to dog feeding, as they’ll probably get stuck in their digestive system!
Another example is, albeit not dogs, that squirrels can’t process cellulose, which is why it’s harmful to them to eat grasses and vegetation. Different animals have different ways of processing different foods and it’s crucial to know which foods you can give to your dog.
Here are some of the most common dog foods that are all safe for your dog:
Seeds: chia, flax, linseed, rice (rice is very common in making balls with meat and vegetables), oats (another very popular ingredient for homemade food).
Meats and fish: beef, chicken, bacon, salmon (believe it or not, dogs will eat salmon, but you have to peel off the skin), turkey, eggs (eggs are a great addition to any dog food not only because of protein but because of the additional shine they add to the coat).
Fruits and vegetables: apples (cut in pieces), bananas, most berries, cabbage, carrots, celery, cauliflower, mango, oranges, pears, peas, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato, and watermelon. As you can see, dogs can pretty much eat all vegetables humans can, however, they most likely won’t want to.
Just like a petulant child, don’t be surprised if your dog outright refuses to eat the carrots and the celery you put in its meals. They are probably going to enjoy berries and melons much more than vegetables.
Related Reading: Are Dogs Allergic To Shrimp? Learn About 5 Canine-Safe Types Of Seafood and The Great Properties Of Shrimps
A Balanced Nutrition
There are three macronutrients to a dog’s meal – protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the least needed nutrients. Although they serve their purpose – they’re essentially packets of energy that are meant to be stored for a long time and used on a rainy day – they’re essentially what makes dogs (and humans while we’re at it) fat.
Then, we have fats. Even though the name might point you in the opposite direction, fats don’t make your dog fat. A dog needs a controlled amount of fats, usually less than 20% of its diet, and these fats are crucial on a micro and macro nutritional level. Many minerals can only be taken in through fat, not through protein and carbs.
Lastly, we have protein. This is the good stuff – this is what muscle is built from and this is what keeps your dog healthy. Protein should amount to more than 20% of a dog’s diet, and it’s usually best to get it from meats and fish. Your dog will likely develop different tastes, so it might not like all meats equally.
It’s important to keep balanced nutrition in your dog’s life, especially in a pug’s life, as these pups are susceptible to obesity and they’re in constant danger of putting on too much weight. Obesity is incredibly dangerous for their little hearts as they can overwork them with ease, but they can also overheat during hot summer days and be unable to cool down.
It’s also true that obesity has a massive effect on arthritis and the entire skeletal system.
The best solution to your dog’s nutrition would be weighing it at least once a week and adjusting the caloric intake appropriately. When it comes to how many calories your dog should be taking – that depends mostly on their age and activity level. Younger dogs burn through more calories than their older selves because they’re actively growing, which is why feeding them is a bit more challenging.
Older, established dogs don’t need that many calories, especially if they’re not too active (and pugs usually aren’t), so you can easily prepare meals at home for them and use all the ingredients listed above. Since pugs are such small dogs, they don’t need too much food and you should be careful not to overfeed them and accidentally cause obesity.
To End
Celery and dogs certainly have a positive connection, but not all dogs will want to eat this vegetable. Dogs are, after all, hungry for meat more than anything else and the best way of getting your dog to eat vegetables is by mixing it in with meat and rice or oats. Celery is, conclusively, a completely safe ingredient for dogs – both as a snack, a treat, and as part of a meal.
It’s best to combine vegetables and fruits that you’d like your dog to eat and make them a full-course meal.
Related Reading: Can Dogs Have Sunflower Butter? To Give Or Not To Give
Family Dog Expert Author
Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.