Can Dogs Eat Tortillas? 7 Ingredients Examined

Can dogs eat tortillas? Tortillas are not toxic for dogs but they also aren’t great for dogs. Feeding your dog tortillas as an occasional treat won’t be dangerous so long as your dog isn’t allergic to any of the ingredients. 

can dogs eat tortillas
Can Dogs Eat Tortillas?

Tortillas lack nutrition and are not recommended for dogs on a regular basis. You should observe the number of tortillas that you are sharing with your dog. You must ensure a complete and balanced diet for your furry pal. 

The bottom line on feeding tortillas to dogs? Moderation is the key. Just be sure that tortilla should be only given to your dog occasionally, as a very special treat.

In this post, we will look at some considerations of giving tortillas to your dogs. Let’s get started!

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Apple Cores?

Which tortilla varieties are okay for dogs?

Although tortillas are not dangerous or extremely unhealthy for dogs, they do not contribute to a healthy and balanced dog diet. You should be watchful of the serving size of tortillas to give your dog. 

Let’s have a look at different types of tortilla varieties and their suitability for your dog:

Corn tortillas

They are unlikely to harm your dog if given in moderation and infrequently. They have minimum nutritional value and are not considered a healthy snack. Occasional snacking on corn tortillas won’t pose any health risks unless your dog has already compromised health.

Flour tortillas

Just like corn tortillas, flour tortillas are non-toxic but also have no nutritional value for dogs. They are safe for dogs in small quantities. However, if your dog has a gluten intolerance, they should not be given any form of tortillas. 

Tortilla chips

Tortilla chips are more unhealthy for your furry pal than a plain tortilla. They contain high salt content and additive seasoning, like onion or garlic powder, which is detrimental to kidney health. Fried tortilla chips contain high amounts of oil and fats that are not suitable for dogs. However, an occasional tortilla chip that fell on the floor won’t hurt your fido. 

Tortilla wraps

If you have something inside the tortilla wrap, make sure it is safe for your dog. Tortilla wraps filled with cooked turkey, chicken, cheddar cheese, and plain salmon are safe for dogs in small quantities. Some seasoning or spices in wrap fillings aren’t safe for your furry friends. You should be extra cautious of the items that are inside tortilla wraps.

Can Dogs Eat Tortillas

Tortilla Ingredients

A tortilla is typically made from wheat or corn. They are often eaten as chips or wraps with savory fillings. They make delicious and great snacks.

The common ingredients of a tortilla are mostly flour or corn, fat, salt, and preservatives. Let’s learn about these ingredients and why they may be dangerous for your dog.

1. Corn 

Corn is not toxic for dogs but is hard to digest. They contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals but don’t add much nutritional value to your dog’s diet. Also, many dogs have food intolerances and sensitivities related to corn.

2. Flour

Dogs don’t require flour as it doesn’t have the nutritional value that your pet needs. It’s not going to hurt them in small amounts. However, overconsumption of wheat flour can lead to weight gain, obesity, and digestive problems in dogs.

3. Gluten

Tortillas contain gluten which can be a problematic ingredient for many dogs. Gluten can cause health problems like gastrointestinal upset, itchy skin, or ear infections in dogs. Some dogs are sensitive or even allergic to gluten. 

4. Amylases and xylanases

These ingredients are frequently used in both corn and wheat tortillas. They are used to extend the textural shelf life of tortillas. An abnormal level of amylase may lead to pancreas disorder or other medical conditions.

5. Transglutaminases, oxidoreductases, and proteases

These ingredients are used to modify the rheological properties of wheat flour tortilla doughs.

6. Salt

Salty foods like tortilla chips have high amounts of salt that are not suitable for dogs. High salt consumption in dogs can contribute to high blood pressure, dehydration, and more serious health conditions including stomach cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

You should set daily salt limits and aim for a healthy level of salt in your dog’s food.

7. Preservatives and other ingredients

Preservatives, acidulants, gum, and emulsifiers are used to improve the shelf-life of tortillas. These preservatives like Propionic Acid, Benzoic Acid, or Phosphoric Acid may be fine for humans, but they can be dangerous for your dog.  

Pet Parent Tip: Check out the ingredients carefully. Before feeding your dog with a tortilla, you need to make sure your furry friend is not allergic to any of the ingredients in the tortilla.

What happens if a dog eats a tortilla?

Tortillas are high in calories but have very few valuable nutrients for your dogs. They usually contain many preservatives and artificial ingredients that may be unhealthy for your dog.

Also, most tortilla chips are loaded with salt, which is not suitable for dogs. Too much salt in tortillas makes dogs thirsty.

Giving small amounts of tortillas to dogs is harmless. However, if eaten in large amounts, tortillas may cause problems. Here are some reasons why tortillas are not a good snack for dogs:

  • Tortillas provide nearly no nutritional value to your dogs.
  • Tortillas are higher in fats and carbs. They increase your dog’s risk of developing obesity.
  • Excessive consumption of tortillas may cause other health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. 
  • Too much salt in tortillas might lead to many health issues, including kidney problems.
  • Excessive intake of tortillas by dogs may lead to an upset stomach and even vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Some dogs might be allergic to the ingredients in the tortillas, or it may have adverse effects on their appetite.
  • Regularly feeding tortillas to your dog can cause behavioral problems like begging or counter-surfing.

If your pooch has eaten a small number of tortillas and doesn’t seem to be having any problems, there’s no reason to worry about it. You should limit the number of tortilla snacks for your dog. 

Excessive amounts of tortillas can damage the dog’s digestive system. If your dog eats a large bag of tortillas, you should talk to the vet.

If your dog shows any signs of stomach upset, you should take your dog immediately to the vet and get them checked.

25 Harmful Foods Your Puppy Shouldn’t Eat

What human foods can dogs eat? 

Today many dog parents are cooking the food themselves for their dogs. This way, they know exactly what goes into their furry pal’s diets. Many dogs live on the leftover food from human foods. 

The reality is that some human foods are toxic for dogs to eat. As a responsible dog owner, you must be aware of which human food is safe or toxic for your dog.

Here’s a list of some human foods that are safe for your four-legged friends:

  • Fish including Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Turkey 
  • Bread
  • Cheese including Gouda, Cheddar, and Cottage 
  • Oatmeal
  • Yogurt
  • Apples but not apple cores
  • Spinach
  • Green beans
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Oatmeal
  • Peas
  • Bananas
  • Pumpkin
  • Blueberries

Pet Parent Tip: All human foods should be introduced into your dog’s diet gradually. You must monitor your furry pal for adverse effects like digestive upsets and allergic reactions.

What human foods are toxic for dogs?

Some human foods can be dangerous or toxic for your dog to consume! Here are some human foods that you never should feed your dogs:

  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Carbonated soft drinks
  • Foods containing artificial sweeteners and Xylitol
  • Chewing gum
  • Few nuts and raisins
  • Grapes 
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Yeast dough
  • High sodium foods
  • Avocados

To be safe, try to avoid feeding these foods to your dog. If your dog has eaten something it should not have, contact your vet. 

dog eating tortillas
Dog eating tortillas

Final thoughts

Remember, tortillas should only be given to your dog in moderation. It is not toxic but your dog might not be able to digest its excessive amount. This may cause some unpleasant side effects like upset stomach, diarrhea, or vomiting.

Dogs are like children and they depend on us for everything. It is important to understand that as a dog owner, you are responsible for the health and well-being of your dog. It is undeniable that your furry friend will enjoy the taste of tortillas, just like us. 

The key is to offer tortillas to your dog in moderation. As a caring pet parent, you must ensure to satisfy their tastes safely. 

stuart and his dog

Family Dog Expert Author

Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.