Are Dogs Stronger Than Cats?

When it comes to pets, dogs, and cats have long been in opposition to one another. Discussions regarding both species have raged on for decades about the two’s strengths and levels of agility without bringing any real, clear conclusions. As a result of this ongoing debate, you may find yourself wondering: are dogs stronger than cats?

are dogs stronger than cats
Are Dogs Stronger Than Cats?

A large dog is going to be much stronger than any cat due to its larger mouth and jaw muscles, as well as most large dogs’ more muscular body structures.

However, depending on size and weight, a cat is unquestionably the winner in the equation when it comes down to pound-for-pound strength. Cats are far tougher and more athletic than dogs, despite their smaller sizes especially when compared to dogs of the same sizes and weights. Just by glancing at their leaping skills, it’s clear that a feline is far stronger than a dog of the same general size range and measurements.

When you’re comparing a dog with a cat of the same weight, the cat is a far stronger creature. For example, finding dog breeds such as Yorkies and Schnauzers that can jump 5 to 7 feet in the air from a standing position is pretty rare, but cats can jump this distance quickly and easily in nearly all cases. And, if you were to put a cat and a dog of similar size and weight in a battle against each other, it is without a doubt that the cat would nearly always win. Cats are significantly more skilled fighters than dogs, and they have much more weaponry at their fingertips, too!

Most adult cats weigh between 8 and 30 pounds, but most adult dogs weigh between 2 and 340 pounds. Some breeds of dog with be far more physically dominating no matter the circumstances. Many large dogs have been bred specifically for working long and hard, and their strong, athletic physiques still reflect those past duties.

Of course, on the other hand, some cats are notably stronger than certain canines, too. For example, a 20-lb. cat would be far stronger than a tiny dog breeds like a Pomeranian. Generally, though, dogs tend to be much heavier and thereby are more likely to be stronger than even the cats weighing in at the top of the scale.

Factors that Determine the Strength of Dogs and Cats

When comparing cats and dogs, there are various aspects you need to take into consideration. The following are some of the essential factors to consider while comparing dogs’ and cats’ strengths:

  1. Their size and weight
  2. Age
  3. Their general level of endurance

Size and Weight

dog and cat

The comparison begins with both animals’ sizes and weights, both of which are critical factors. When comparing the two creatures, it’s essential to pay attention to these aspects of their breeds. Studies have shown that if the weight of a cat and a dog are the same, the cat will be stronger because of its build.

This has absolutely everything to do with the amount of muscle mass, level of flexibility, and extreme mobility they have in their natural physiques. Because of this, they can accomplish far more with less, which is crucial when determining if a cat is powerful or not.

On the other hand, it’s important to remember that the average dog is likely to be far larger in all size- and weight-related aspects than the average cat. For example, you won’t see many domesticated cats ever being as large as a German Shepherd on the streets of the United States.

As a result, most people believe that dogs are stronger than cats simply because they more often tend to be larger in stature. It is also a fact that the typical dog is naturally more impressive in size at its physical peak when compared to the average cat.

(Note that this argument does not include large cats, such as tigers and lions, which fall into a distinct category and are, in fact, far more powerful than dogs.)


A kitten is not likely to be stronger than an adult canine, and similarly, a puppy also isn’t going to be stronger than an adult feline either. Take into consideration the fact that there are quite a few layers when it comes to ages and proper comparisons in this situation.

An adult dog’s physical strength will peak between the ages of three and six, and it is during this period that they will most likely be able to compete with other animals if needed. When it comes to physical capabilities against a threat or even something viewed as prey, an adult dog will generally be very strong and display a significant level of power in comparison to its puppy counterpart. A dog’s overall strength, regardless of breed, will be at its peak during those “middle years” and lower when they are puppies as well as in their senior years.

The same as above may be said for the ordinary adult cat as well. Cats mature at around 18 months of age, and it is during this period and for the years following that they will be at their highest level of performance when it comes to athleticism, strength, and other physical aspects. Kittens and older cats that have declined in health will certainly be weaker than those in their best and healthiest conditions.

General Endurance


When considering whether dogs are stronger than cats, there is another thing one must look at as well: the animal’s general level of endurance or toughness.

Dogs are considered strong and heavy thanks to their large muscular builds and prominent body structures. This may give them the advantage of being more strong in general in most cases—especially in appearance—but they are not nearly as flexible or agile as cats. Cats are well-known for being solid and sturdy creatures who can withstand a great deal, and this has everything to do with their survival instincts, notable level of athleticism, and overall performance in various environments and situations.

Even when encountering something like a long fall to the ground, cats easily land on their feet and carry on completely unscathed. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said of dogs; they would instead find themselves quite injured and likely needing medical care from a hard impact. Although cats may not be as large and imposing as something like a Rottweiler or a Great Dane, they are extremely tough as animals in general thanks to their impressive endurance and ability to bounce back from nearly anything.

Fact: Certain cat breeds, such as Maine Coons, are renowned for being tougher than their canine counterparts.

As a result of their similar yet varying characteristics, both species tend to do well in power and endurance comparisons against one another as well as against other animals.

dog and cat
Dog vs Cat: Who’s Stronger?


Can dogs beat cats?

Dogs are quite capable of beating cats in a fight, and their physical qualities play a significant role in this. Fully grown dogs have an inherent size advantage over fully grown cats, allowing them to manage cats more easily via sheer strength. However, even with large dogs, cats are impressively quick and are known for how sharp their many claws can be, so the likelihood of a cat winning a scrap against a dog larger than itself is still a reasonable possibility.

Which is more intelligent: a cat or dog?

The average dog is more intelligent than the average feline. This has to do with the fact that they have almost double the number of neurons in their brains as cats have, which explains why this is often the case. Neurons provide more brainpower, and most breeds of dogs have been used for working purposes over the years, so they’ve developed learning capabilities to assist in these jobs.

Cats, however, may still be smart but have no work-related functions besides pest control in certain environments. With this being the case for felines, they do not need to develop sharper minds over time.

Are cats’ senses sharper than those of dogs?

Not always. Dogs have a greater sense of smell; however, a cat’s sense of hearing is far more sensitive than that of dogs. When it comes to perceiving environmental stimuli, both of these species have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to their senses.

Are dogs or cats more effective fighters?

This, again, comes down to size and physical capabilities. Although cats are smaller than most dogs, they are quick, agile, and extremely vicious with their claws and teeth. Small dogs may bite and nip and show aggression to other people and animals, but a large dog can inflict enough damage to be fatal. Cats may be very effective fighters, but not much is an obstacle to a large dog lashing out with its immense amount of weight, muscle, jaw strength, and aggression.

What is it about cats that dogs despise?

Because of the predator-prey dynamic, dogs and cats are naturally antagonistic against one another. Most dogs have an inherent drive to pursue after smaller animals that try to scurry away, and cats often have a strong desire to flee when they feel unsafe. Additionally, as it applies more to those of us who include these animals as pets in our households, the two species are engaged in a battle to assert their position in the family hierarchy and to maintain their territorial control.

Is it true that cats are faster than dogs?

Yes, actually! The average speed among domesticated cat breeds tends to fall around 30 mph. The average dog (excluding those who are incredibly slow and incredibly speedy) tends to be around 20 mph. Additionally, large wild cat species, such as cheetahs, are capable of running at speeds of up to 50 to 80 miles per hour, which is far faster than the world’s fastest dog breed: Greyhounds.

(Note: Greyhounds are the world’s fastest dogs, capable of reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.)

stuart and his dog

Family Dog Expert Author

Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.