Pug’s Itchy Skin Remedies: 5 Common Canine Scratching Reasons and Effective Treatment Options
If you are looking for information on Pug’s Itchy skin remedies, then you probably own a Pug who has quite problematic skin. All wrinkled pals have these types of issues at some point in their canine life. On some occasions, it can be connected to allergies. On others, it can also be linked to parasite infestation and/or skin infections like mange or dermatitis. In any case, it is an extremely uncomfortable situation for any flat-faced creature and an owner would want to research medications available on the market. Not all of them are created equal when it comes to treating various derma issues.
It may be a good idea to talk to a vet and ask his/her professional opinion about treatment options. Also, take into consideration that your pet might become allergic to a med prescribed. Therefore, an animal health specialist would have to do some tests including bloodwork to see if there can be a potential adverse reaction to a given drug. Let’s discuss what Pugs can be allergic to in the first place to eliminate potential bad reactions in the future.
Pug’s Itchy Skin: The Most Common Reasons
- Food Allergy: very common among wrinkle-faced pals. In case it eats something that causes it to become sick, a pet parent will immediately notice a Pug vigorously scratching its coat, rolling on the floor, whining, and vomiting. These are all signs of a reaction to something it ate. Try to remember what type of snack you gave your pet last, and bring it to the vet’s attention when you call. You can also try giving your poor fella Benadryl to see if it helps, but only with a doctor’s permission.
- Parasite Infestation: another very common Pug scratching problem once spring comes. That’s when a lot of annoying bugs like ticks, mites, and fleas come out, becoming your pooch’s worst nightmare. They prey on canine flesh and blood, sucking it out, causing major skin irritations. That’s why you see dogs constantly itching when they come from the outside. If you notice your wrinkled mutt acting this way, it won’t be considered unnecessary to closely inspect its derma and coat for the presence of the above-mentioned parasites.
- Mange: also known as Demodectic Mange. It is triggered by the Demodectic mite parasite which attacks a flat-faced pal’s immune system and causes Pug’s itching issues. Usually, the mange attacks baby Pugs. However, there are cases of older Pugs getting them as well since their immunity is not as strong anymore. One of the clearest signs that your dog has mange is massive hair fall-out which creates bold spots. Most of them will be very red and/or itchy. It is usually treated with some of the well-known Pug’s itchy skin remedies we are about to discuss a little later in the article.
- Scabs: these are created when a Pug hound is aggravating a wound that is healing, and, consequently, is very itchy. Another reason for scab development might be a patch of derma that has just started developing an infection. This spot becomes extremely irritated and a mutt tries to lick/rub it with its paws to stop the bleeding. This causes the wound to become easily susceptible to bacteria and contamination.
- Medication Allergy: more often than not, Pugs may develop a reaction to drugs either prescribed by the vet or eating some by accident that were manufactured for humans. If you notice your flat-faced companion heavily breathing, rubbing its eyes, being restless, and vomiting all over the household right after it consumed a certain med, that means its system is rejecting the substance. Call your vet ASAP and report what you observe with your pet. In case a mutt has a condition that has to be treated with remedies, let’s take a look at the most commonly prescribed ones that are generally safe for pets.
Related Reading: Are Pugs Hypoallergenic? Pugs And Allergies Guide
Pug’s Itchy Skin Remedies
We can start by mentioning some pug skin problems and home remedies that any owner can try to see if that’s going to work. In my opinion, it is better to try natural ointments first before you resort to chemicals. However, even the most organic ones can cause an unexpected reaction, so test a very small area to see whether or not it can be safely applied to the rest of a canine’s trouble spots.
Natural Options
- Baking Soda: a great all-natural option if you want to try it with your itchy pooch. Practically any type of household has baking powder used for cooking and/or cleaning. Try adding a few tablespoons in an 8 oz spray bottle and shake it well before spraying it onto a dog’s troubled skin spot.
- Oatmeal Bath: adding a couple of oatmeal cups to your dog’s bathwater may assist with soothing irritation, and cleaning wounds on your pal’s body to help it deal with skin infections.
- Aloe Vera Gel: a very good holistic aid used to effectively treat sunburn in the two-legged. Its organic version can be used on a pet’s flaky derma and eliminate redness associated with common skin allergies. Just make sure that the gel you get is all organic, without preservatives.
- Coconut Oil: used on extremely dry spots on both the four-legged and people alike. Rub a little in and let it sit for about 20-25 minutes. After it is absorbed, you can rinse it with warm (not hot!) water so it doesn’t get all over your furniture and bedding.
- Vinegar: an apple cider kind that has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It won’t dry your poor allergic pup’s skin out while promoting healing in the patchy spots. It is very acidic though, so try a small area first to make sure it won’t lead to a worse outcome.
And now let’s take a look at a few medications that you can give your Pug with minimal allergy risk.
Itch-Relief Medications:
- Remedy Recovery Hydrocortisone Lotion: you can get it online at pet stores like Petco or Chewy. Hydrocortisone is a steroid component used to treat mild skin inflammations, and eczemas and reduce swelling on the affected spot.
- Cephalexin: an antibiotic that is administered orally as a pill and aids in treating bacterial infections, joint inflammations, as well as urinary tract problems. It may have a few side effects, so talk to a vet to see if it might be the case with your pup.
Whichever of the aforementioned Pug’s itchy skin remedies you decide to administer to your precious buddy, please test it first. Pugs are notorious for developing bad allergic reactions to practically anything. So you never know what will be the case with any of the natural ointments/medicated creams we’ve talked about. Contact your veterinary specialist if you spot certain abnormalities in a puppy’s behavior after you give any of them out.
Related Reading: Pug Skin Rashes
Family Dog Expert Author
Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.