Dog Breed Size Chart (Tables and Charts)

Today’s domesticated dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) come in all sizes and shapes. No matter their size, every dog is deserving of love and attention from a forever home.

dog breed size chart
Dog Breed Size Chart

Different size classifications have unique care requirements that can be easily overlooked. Knowing where your dog stands will help you tailor the care you give your furry friend so that it can live its best life.

Continue reading if you’re interested in learning more about the general categories of dog sizes, and why the differences matter.

Dog Size By Weight Table

 Extra Small (XS)Small (S)Medium (M)Large (L)Extra Large (XL)
Weight5-10 pounds10-25 pounds25-50 pounds50-90 pounds90-150 pounds
Toy Poodle
Shiba Inu
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Siberian Husky
Border Collie
Cocker Spaniel
Golden Retriever
Labrador Retriever
German Shepherd
Bernese Mountain Dog
Irish Wolfhound
Dog Size By Weight Table

Dog Size By Height At The Shoulder Table

 Extra Small (XS)Small (S)Medium (M)Large (L)Extra Large (XL)
Height5-11 inches10-17 inches16.5-23 inches21-27.5 inches27-32 inches
ExamplesRussian Toy
Boston Terrier
Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Finnish Spitz
Australian Shepherd
Cane Corso
Old English Sheepdog
Giant Schnauzer
Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Great Pyrenees
Dog Size By Height At The Shoulder Table

You may have noticed from the tables above that there is some overlap between groups of dogs. This is because these are average size ranges and the table only considers purebred lineages of each breed. Some examples of dogs that are often between categories include:

  • Pembroke Welsh Corgis (based on weight)
  • Pugs (based on height)
  • Standard Xoloitzcuintli (based on weight)
  • Miniature Poodle (based on height)

Extra Small Dog Breed Size Table

BreedHeight (inches)Weight (lbs)Neck Size (inches)Chest Girth (inches)Collar SizeHarness Size (inches)Boot Size
Brussels Griffon7-108-1010-1411-12XS10-191
Chinese Crested11-138-128-1111-12XS10-191
Japanese Chin8-117-118-1111-12XS-S10-191
Russian Toy8-11=<6.58-1111-12XS-S10-19n/a
Silky Terrier9-109-1110-1411-12XS-S10-191
Toy Fox Terrier8.5-11.54-98-1211-12XS-S10-19n/a
Toy Poodle=<104-68-1411-12XS-S10-19n/a
Yorkshire Terrier7-876-1211-12XS10-19n/a
Extra Small Dog Breed Size Table

Small Dog Breed Size Table

BreedHeight (inches)Weight (lbs)Neck Size (inches)Chest Girth (inches)Collar SizeHarness Size (inches)Boot Size
Bichon Frise9.5-11.512-1810-1615-17S-M14-242
Boston Terrier15-1712-2512-1815-17S-M14-243
Cardigan Welsh Corgi10.5-12.525-3814-1615-17S-M14-243
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel12-1313-1810-1411-12XS-S10-192
Cocker Spaniel13.5-15.520-3012-1815-17S-M14-243
French Bulldog11-13=<2812-1815-17S-M14-242
Japanese Spitz12-1510-2510-1615-17S-M14-243
Miniature Schnauzer12-1411-2010-1615-17S-M14-243
Pembroke Welsh Corgi10-12=<3014-1615-17S-M14-243
Miniature Poodle10-1510-1510-1615-17S-M14-242
Rat Terrier10-1310-2513-1615-17S14-242
Shiba Inu13.5-16.517-2314-1715-17S-M14-243
Shih Tzu9-10.59-1610-1411-12XS-S10-191
Wire Fox Terrier15.515-1812-1815-17S-M14-243
Small Dog Breed Size Table

Medium Dog Breed Size Table

BreedHeight (inches)Weight (lbs)Neck Size (inches)Chest Girth (inches)Collar SizeHarness Size (inches)Boot Size
American Staffordshire Terrier17-1940-7018-2419-20L18-305
Australian Cattle Dog17-2035-5022-2819-20L18-304
Australian Shepherd18-2340-6516-2219-20M-L18-304-5
Basset Hound=<1540-6516-2219-20M-L18-304
Border Collie18-2230-5514-1815-17M18-304
Chinese Shar-Pei18-2045-6016-2019-20M-L18-305
Chow Chow17-2045-7018-2419-20L18-305
German Shorthaired Pointer21-2545-7020-2619-20L18-306
Standard Poodle>=1540-7012-1815-17M18-305
Siberian Husky20-23.535-6016-2219-20M-L18-306
Medium Dog Breed Size Table

Large Breed Size Table

BreedHeight (inches)Weight (lbs)Neck Size (inches)Chest Girth (inches)Collar SizeHarness Size (inches)Boot Size
Alaskan Malamute23-2575-8518-2424-26L22-386
Belgian Malinois22-2640-8016-2024-26M-L22-386
Cane Corso23.5-27.588-11022-3024-30L22-388
German Shepherd Dog22-2650-9018-2424-26L22-386
Golden Retriever21.5-2455-7516-2424-26M-L22-386
Irish Setter25-2760-7016-2224-26M-L22-387
Labrador Retriever21.5-24.555-8018-2424-26L22-386
Old English Sheepdog>=2160-10018-2424-28L22-386
Large Dog Breed Size Table

Extra Large Dog Breed Size Table

BreedHeight (inches)Weight (lbs)Neck Size (inches)Chest Girth (inches)Collar SizeHarness Size (inches)Boot Size
Anatolian Shepherd Dog27-2980-15026-3228-30L27-438
Bernese Mountain Dog23-27.570-11520-2628-30L27-438
Great Dane28-32110-17520-2628-30L27-438
Great Pyrenees25-32>=8524-3028-30L27-438
Irish Wolfhound>=30105-12020-2728-30L27-438
Saint Bernard26-30120-18026-3228-30L27-43n/a
Tibetan Mastiff>=2470-15020-2628-30L27-438
Extra Large Dog Breed Size Table

Dog Mix Size Table

BreedHeight (inches)Weight (lbs)Neck Size (inches)Chest Girth (inches)Collar SizeHarness Size (inches)Boot Size
Dog Mix Size Table

Why Is A Dog’s Size Important?


Perhaps the most obvious reason why the size of your dog matters is space. An extra-large breed puppy may do fine in a small living space like a city apartment while they are in the juvenile stages of their life but they will quickly outgrow the space in most cases.

Oftentimes, there is a limit to the weight a landlord will tolerate which can significantly reduce the number of places you can rent or overnight at if you bring your canine companion with you.

Expenses and Costs

Another prominent reason for learning dog sizes is their cost. Many purebred dogs, no matter their size, will initially cost the same amount but the recurring monthly costs of a larger dog quickly add up.

Bigger dogs have bigger appetites to fuel their powerful muscles and maintain their grand physique. Even toys, dog beds, and kennels are more expensive for large dog breeds.

When your dog needs to visit the vet, you can expect a heftier bill as well because they need higher dosages of medication and anesthetic.

Dog Size FAQs

How Do I Measure My Dog Properly?

Using a soft measuring tape, you will want to wrap the tape around whichever body part you need to measure (the chest or neck usually), ensuring that it is form-fitting but not overly tight.

For the chest, measure around the widest part of your dog, just behind the front legs. The base of the neck includes some of the shoulders, so keep in mind that this size will be different than the size of a collar.

What Do I Do When My Dog Is On The Border Between Two Sizes?

There isn’t necessarily cause for concern if your dog is still within the average height and weight values for its breed. If you’re looking at clothing or accessories for your dog, the general advice is to go with the larger of the two sizes your dog sits between.

dog breed sizes
Dog Breed Sizes


A dog’s size, particularly its weight, can have repercussions throughout the entirety of its lifespan that many people don’t stop to think about.

These need to be considered before purchasing or adopting a dog to make sure that your dog is healthy and happy.

stuart and his dog

Family Dog Expert Author

Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.