
Do Pugs Sweat? A Pug’s Cooldown Process And The Consequences If It Can’t Do So

What comes to mind when you think about summer? I bet it would be some of these associations: hot, blazing sun, thick green tree foliage, birds chirping, and maybe a warm breeze coming into your open window. When it is all “fun in the sun” for the two-legged, it is not always the case for the canine fellas.

Humans do sweat if they are hot. This is a normal body response in an attempt to cool itself off. Now, do dogs sweat?

And, in particular, do Pugs sweat? Obviously, like any other Pug enthusiast, you would want to know the answer to better accommodate your wrinkled house guard during scorching hot days of summer. Don’t sweat it, we’re going to cover the subject right now.

Stay tuned!

do pugs sweat
Do Pugs Sweat?

Do Dogs Sweat?

Now, if humans sweat, you may be wondering if canines sweat as well. You would think so since we are all animals, and our bodies operate very similarly. More so if we talk about mammals, like mutts and people in particular.

So yes, dogs do sweat, but their cooling-off process is a little different from the two-legged masters.  Their armpits wouldn’t necessarily get too wet, but they use other ways to get cool. 

Do Dogs Have Sweat Glands?

Ok, so we know that hounds sweat also, but exactly how do dogs sweat? Well, they have two types of sweat glands: merocrine and apocrine glands. 

Apocrine Glands

Are located all over a pooch’s body. Some veterinarians argue whether or not they can be considered necessarily “sweat glands,” but they do release certain scents that can distinguish one canine from the other. Not particularly sweet odor, but pheromones that are let out into the air and act as a “dog’s ID” so to speak.

Those same pheromones are what attract a male dog to an in-heat female for the procreation process. 

Merocrine Glands

These glands are, no doubt, the very sweat glands dogs use mostly to cool themselves off when their bodies’ temperatures skyrocket. The funny thing is that they are located…on your pet’s paws! The paws’ pads become wet if a hound is overheated. 

An owner may even spot sweat prints on the floor. These are clear indicators that a furry pal needs to chill out and find a shade with a fresh bowl of water immediately! Brachycephalic breeds like Pugs are in a high-risk group when it comes to being too hot. But is their sweating process different from other breeds? In other words, do Pugs sweat at all?

Do Pugs Sweat?

The answer is yes, in fact, they do! Wrinkled buds are not different from the rest of the canine world when it comes to cooling down. They also use their pads as a much-needed “refreshing device” to help them stay sane and not have a heat stroke or a seizure. 

The only fact that makes them stand out amongst other breeds is that they have a very hard time breathing. Especially in hot climates. Since squishy faces and flat noses get in the way of normal breathing patterns, high temperatures become a Pug’s worst nightmare!

A parent will be able to notice snuffling, panting, and restlessness in his/her Pug’s behavior to indicate that things are getting serious with heat toleration. Now, what can happen if a Pug gets overheated?

Consequences Of Overheating


If a Pug stays out in the heat with no freshwater provided, it can easily become very dehydrated. You will see it start to pant like crazy, become very weak, can have diarrhea and/or vomiting. In case you left your wrinkled bud outside in high summer temperatures and forgot to provide plenty of aqua, you need to bring it inside ASAP! Put it on the blanket by an AC unit and put a bowl of chilled water by its bed. If it doesn’t drink and seems out of it, it might be time to bring it to the vet.


Another serious consequence of overheating. A very hot Pug will collapse if its internal temperature reaches above 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, you may notice its body starts having convulsions that may freak you out.

What do you do if that happens? Carefully pick up your pooch and carry it inside. Put it on the bed/blanket in a shaded area, sprinkle some cold water all over your mutt’s body, and put some ice compresses on its head and belly. Try not to panic and just stay by your buddy’s side until it regains consciousness. Follow up with a vet. 


Yes, dogs can get a heat stroke if they stay out in the blazing sun for a long time. Some alarming signs can include a head tilted to one side, a wobbly walk, weird eye movements, and disorientation. On occasion, a stroke can be accompanied by a seizure.

Contact your trusted veterinarian right away and bring a suffering canine into the office as soon as you can. Or go to the nearest animal emergency clinic if your dog is not available.  Some serious consequences can be avoided if owners take preventative measures to nib any of the aforementioned problems in the bud.

Tips On How To Keep Your Pug Pooch Cool

Tip #1: Avoid going out at a solstice

Anywhere from 12 to 3 pm is the hottest period of the day when the sun is at its strongest point. That is the worst time to walk your pancake-faced pooch who is especially susceptible to being overheated. Try to go out for a walk only in the early morning hours and after 4 pm when the sun’s power is decreasing. Keep the walks to a minimum as well. 

Tip #2: Provide plenty of fresh, cold water

That goes without saying. You don’t even think about hydrating yourself when it’s hot out, do you? And your dog depends on you for everything, including water.

It cannot ask you directly, therefore it is your responsibility to remember to refill its water bowl often in hot weather. Put some ice cubes in it to keep it cool for longer. 

Tip #3: Don’t exercise your pug too much: another no-brainer

Any living creature’s body temp will go up high if it engages in vigorous physical activity. It will skyrocket if humidity is out of control. Hence, making you sweat like crazy.

And believe me when I say: you won’t be asking yourself “Do Pugs sweat?” Because you will see proof right there on your wooden floor: many wet paw prints going all over the house. So, make sure a flat-faced pal is mostly indoors by the AC when it is too unbearable to go outside.

Don’t give in to the temptation to start playing fetch with your playful Pug friend. Even if it invites you to do so. Let it chill instead, calmingly gazing over birds in the sky. 

Tip #4: Provide shade

Make sure to provide a retreat from the sun to a fluffy bud if the former gets too strong all of a sudden. Does your Pug want to play outside? No problem!

Just bring it out very early or later in the day and play in the trees’ shade. Or if you happen to have a covered porch-it will work perfectly as well!

pugs sweat
Pugs sweat


Do Pugs sweat? As we found out, they most certainly do! More so, occasionally their sweat glands cannot keep up with elevated outside temps and Pug fellas can get overheated easily.

Watch for any warning signs like weakness, non-steady walking, head tilts, heavy panting, and loose stool. Upon noticing any of these, bring your pooch to the vet without delay!

Related Reading: Do Pugs Need Their Glands Expressed?

stuart and his dog

Family Dog Expert Author

Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.